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2023-2024 registration will open April 6, 2023 @ 9:00am for existing families.
New family registration will open April 20, 2023 @ 9:00am
Please make sure ALL FORMS are complete prior to registration opening.

2023-2024 Schedule Information

Important 2023-2024 Schedule Information

**We have several new classes being offered.  Please make sure to read the class descriptions.  A couple course descriptions are still being finalized.

**HELP will be offering 3 virtual classes on Tuesday mornings next year. We recognize that with families wanting or needing to travel more that this might be an option that they want to help meet their homeschooling need for the subjects we are offering virtual. We are also aware of the rising gas prices and the need for families to get all the academic needs of their student met. With so many options available at a one day a week program, sometimes it is quite difficult to get all the classes that they want in one day, but don’t necessarily want to have to drive a second day to attend classes to meet their academic needs. By offering these virtual classes, parents and families may be able to access all the classes that they need through 1 program. 

**When reading our class descriptions, you may notice that our prices have increased slightly.  With the higher prices of everyday goods on the rise, we felt strongly that our teachers needed a slight raise as well to help make ends meet.  This along with an increase in our insurance liability cost led to the increased dollar amounts.  However, we tried to increase the fees by as little as possible. 

**As you plan for and register for classes, please keep in mind our tuition policy. 

--Once you have registered for a class, all tuition is expected and will not be reimbursed.  We contract with our teachers based on the number of students in the class, therefore we cannot accomodate withdrawing from the class.

--We request payment in full at time of registration.  However, if it is helpful we will accept 1/3 of your tuition at time of registration.  You may bring in cash or check the following week to HELP or pay online within one week of registration.  There is a small 3% fee for paying online.