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HELP Homeschool Policies and Procedures


HELP Homeschool believes in the home schooling parent. Instructors partner with the parents for the purpose of equipping them in their God-given task of educating their children.


Milford Christian Church generously accommodates our program. Additionally, they make provisions in their schedule to enable us to present such events as musical theatrical productions, Fine Arts Night, and the like. Therefore, we expect every student, parent, sibling, and instructor to act as good stewards of the property and grounds, accordingly: 

Remain in HELP-Designated areas only. Classrooms, study halls, lunchroom, and bathrooms accessible to HELP Homeschool students, family, and staff. No other area of the church is to be accessed without staff consent. 

MCC requires all children to be monitored while on site- indoors and outdoors.  

Do not use equipment belonging to the church. This includes the Playground Equipment behind the church building.

Do not use contents of the kitchen or the supply closets. The Kitchen area is off limits to HELP Homeschool families.

Treat respectfully all property inside and outside of the church; Boisterous and/or negligent actions may result in destruction of property and are not permitted. Students and their parents will be financially responsible for any damaged property.  Reminder -HELP Homeschool does not have permission to utilize the playground.

Keep all areas clean. Use trash bins to dispose of paper, garbage and crumbs.

Drive carefully in the parking lot, observing a speed which does not exceed 10 mph.

MCC Prohibits tobacco in any form, firearms and anything else considered a weapon, alcoholic  beverages, and controlled substances on its property.


Once a student is enrolled, he/she is required to follow the policies of the church,  HELP Homeschool program, and classroom guidelines as established by the instructors. It is the student’s responsibility to know and understand the policies and seek clarification as necessary. 

Be on time for each class, and come prepared with the materials needed for each class.

Students under 12 years of age, unaccompanied by a parent, must be in class, quiet study hall, lunch room or breakroom.  Freedom to remain in unsupervised areas such as the Foyer is not allowed.

Take ownership for homework assignments. 

Make the instructor aware of any absence as soon as possible. 

Obtain and complete any missed assignments or have a parent submit an excuse to the instructor. 

Follow the guidelines/class syllabus/homework schedule as outlined by the instructor. 

Behave in a respectful manner toward instructors, leadership, and classmates in both words and actions. 

Do not be disruptive during class with words or actions deemed inappropriate by the instructor or leadership. 

Conduct yourself as a gentleman or lady, accordingly, while on campus grounds, and do not engage in any physically demonstrative behavior deemed inappropriate by the leadership. 

Abide by the HELP Homeschool  Electronics Policy

Do your own work; plagiarism or cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. 

Follow the dress code

Follow the guidelines regarding the use of the church facility. 

Bring any concerns or problems to the attention of the instructor/leadership, NOT the church staff.

Be prepared for weekly practice if in a group performance class by memorizing lines and/or practicing dances and/or songs at home. The instructor and other students depend on you to come prepared for weekly practice. Failure to comply with this policy may result in removal from class.


Electronic Policy:  Effective Winter 2015

Over the last few semesters, there have been circumstances at HELP Homeschool that have left Leadership contemplating the implementation of a NO ELECTRONICS policy. 

At a recent Leadership meeting, a unanimous decision was reached.  Starting Wednesday, February 11th, HELP Homeschool will effectively be an Electronic Free Zone for students and adult aides.  If a student would like to utilize their laptops/tablets for School Work during the HELP hours they are not in class, the Quiet Study Hall will be available.

Students may bring cell phones to HELP, however cell phones are to remain OFF and in backpacks, crates or purses.  All other electronic devices should not be brought to HELP.

Realizing that electronics may be necessary for class presentations and other classroom activities, these devices are permitted for those specific situations.

Leadership realizes that this will be an adjustment for students and adult aides.  We are trying to provide a professional, safe, secure, sociable setting for your child.

First offense: Remind students of Policy.  Second Offense: Send to Leadership.  Leadership will hold on to device until the end of the day.



As partners with the instructors and leadership, parents are expected to be involved in their child’s school work and aware of their actions on campus. 

Provide the leadership with current contact information, making amendments to that which is listed on the registration forms as necessary. 

Check email regularly for communication from HELP Homeschool leadership and/or instructors. This is the only way for HELP Homeschool to effectively communicate with everyone on matters that affect us all.

Parents with Children 12 and under:  Due to staffing and classroom capacity (break/lunch rooms filled on a first come/first served basis), please limit your child’s break periods greater than 30 minutes to 1 break period only.  HELP Homeschool is not a babysitting service.  We are an Educational Program.  

Provide student(s) with access to the internet, computer, and printer so that they can complete their

Supervise un-enrolled siblings while on campus to ensure their safety as well as a healthy learning environment for HELP Homeschool students. 

Sign student(s) in and out at the check-in desk. 

Understand that HELP Homeschool instructors are men and women who will lead their classroom from a Biblical perspective. 

Bring any issues/concerns to the leadership and/or instructor, NOT the church staff. 

Follow the dress code

Follow the guidelines regarding the use of the church facility. 

Adhere to the registration guidelines/policies.

Children must be picked your up PROMPTLY following the completion of his/her last class.


HELP Homeschool strives to promote a respectful, academic environment without distractions. In order to avoid establishing a uniform policy, the following dress code was established and is to be observed:

Please dress modestly. 

No short-midriff baring, low cut, spaghetti strap or halter tops. No shirts with objectionable or unsavory declarations.  No pants with words printed across the bottom.  No short shorts, short skirts or short dresses.


Full payment is desired.  Partial payment is offered as a convenience for HELP Homeschool families. If you choose the Partial payment option, see below for specifics.

ALL Class fees/Supply fees are nonrefundable after class registration.

1/3 of your student annual tuition plus book/supply fees is required at time of Registration.

1/2 of your remaining balance is due the first day of Fall Semester.

The remainder of your balance is due the 3rd Wednesday of October.

Pay your course fees via check or cash. Checks are to be made out to HELP Homeschool.  They may be mailed to HELP Homeschool, 1081B State Route 28 #125 Milford, OH 45150 OR delivered in person to Leadership on the Wednesdays HELP Homeschool meets 830a-430p -- Milford Christian Church,  844 St. Rt. 131, Milford, Ohio, 45150.

Note: Fees collected for classes cover instructor fees and operational costs.


It is the responsibility of all HELP Homeschool participants to be well-informed of the campus and church policies. Lack of knowledge will not pardon any offense. As a general practice, violations will be handled by verbal warning to student and parent, and subsequent violations for the same issue will result in a meeting between the leadership, teacher, students, and parents, at which time; a determination will be made by leadership as to the appropriate consequence. The following are exceptions: 

Removing a student and/or parent from the campus, and/or withdrawing a student and/or parent from the program on a temporary or permanent basis is a right the leadership reserves to exercise at any point, without advance notice. 

Cheating or plagiarizing are grounds for expulsion from class. The instructor and leadership will decide if it will be handled differently. 

Failure to follow tuition policy will result in a student(s) losing his/her place in the course(s) for which he/she was registered, regardless of prior confirmation.